
Choosing To Do A Triathlon

Triathlon 101 As I  approach my first triathlon this Sunday.  I am walking through the decisions I made in training for the swim, the bike and the run. First Step:  Deciding to do a triathlon. What’s a triathlon like? Last year, my brother was doing his first ever international (olympic distance) triathlon.  He’d done two […]


Triathlon coming soon…

If you’ve been following along, I labeled 2010, my year of action. I was going to take action to achieve my goals rather than just talk about it. One of my major goals for 2010 was to lose weight and complete an olympic triathlon. I’m only 10 days away.  (Any normal person would be freaking […]


Focus on the Minutiae, while planning many steps ahead.

Oh no, you did not just do that?  Really?  that?  did you?  What were you thinking? I can not believe it.  No, seriously?  you did what? Yes, yes I did, and yes I will. In my quest to make 2010, my year of action.  I am taking action.  I’m stopping talking about things, and I […]