I read this article with Chrissie Wellington, four-time Ironman Champion at CNN about training your mind. Ironman champ: Train your brain, then your body – CNN.com. The ideas ring true not just for triathlons, but for fitness, projects, and other things. Here’s some quotes I grabbed from the article: If we let our head drop, […]
Tag: Motivation
Why Are You Destroying Yourself?

For the first time in 6 weeks, I set my alarm to wake up this morning. I’ve been fortunate enough that kids, wife, or nature will wake me up in time to be productive for the day. However, I noticed that my son is arriving to school a little later each day. I don’t like […]

I think it must be the post race blues or something. Now that my race is long gone (one week), Bad habits are returning in droves. Q: How to break the Bad Habit Relapse? A: Take Action immediately. The sooner you can re-focus your actions on good habits, the quicker the bad habit will ride […]
Choosing To Do A Triathlon

Triathlon 101 As I approach my first triathlon this Sunday. I am walking through the decisions I made in training for the swim, the bike and the run. First Step: Deciding to do a triathlon. What’s a triathlon like? Last year, my brother was doing his first ever international (olympic distance) triathlon. He’d done two […]
Triathlon coming soon…
If you’ve been following along, I labeled 2010, my year of action. I was going to take action to achieve my goals rather than just talk about it. One of my major goals for 2010 was to lose weight and complete an olympic triathlon. I’m only 10 days away. (Any normal person would be freaking […]
Knock some posts out of me.
“…Man this feels good. …fast, smooth, smile… Come on pops, Keep going… You can do it!… Fast, smooth, smile… I’m cruising today. FAST, smooth,smi–Oooowwww – Thunk!” Thoughts of Scott while cycling Tuesday, Aug 10 Wow, It took a nice nasty crash to knock a blog post out of me. Yes, after owning a bicycle since […]
If the first plan which you adopt does not work successfully, replace it with a new plan; if this new plan fails to work, replace it in turn with still another, and so on, until you find a plan which does work. Right here is the point at which the majority of men meet failure, […]
Every year, people make New Year’s Resolutions. Every year, Most people break their resolutions by U.S.’s Groundhog day, (Feb 2) What are you going to do about breaking your resolutions? I resolved this year, not to make resolutions until Groundhog day (a la David Seah). Now, you ask why? The Party Forces are against you. […]
Welcome MUFA & Flat Belly Diet Searchers. We have noticed a large percentage of our visits have been from people like you searching for MUFA. So, We decided to revisit the MUFA / Flat Belly Diet. With three questions for you: Are you following the Flat Belly Diet? What do you think of MUFA is […]
As my last post implied about restaurants, I was on vacation for a bit. Upon returning from vacation, my writing time, my family time, my work productivity, my exercise habits, and my simpleweight development time have been competing for attention as demonstrated by my recent drop off in simpleweight posts. It’s amazing when one’s commitments […]