One thing I have learned is that the body follows the mind. If you take your mind into deep dark alleys of negativity, you will find that your body succumbs to the traps of food marketing easier. You will find that your willpower is depleted, exercise happens less often, and over-eating happens quite frequently. Ultimately, […]
Category: Motivation
As a trained scientist, I learned that theories and hypothesis are not absolute. We find this element in our daily lives, our conversations, and even our politics. Einstein explained this by saying its all relative. Here’s a quick example: If I’m in a car going 100 km per hour, from my front seat, the water […]
Return to Roots

I keep a lot of information in my head. Rarely, yet it happens, I forget basic items like, where did I put my wallet. When I do forget where I put my wallet or keys, I try to remember the last time I saw them. I re-trace my steps. I keep walking backwards until I […]
Change Comes Through Action!
Virtues don’t come through simply thinking about them. You have to “exercise them.” Aristotle’s promise is this: if you want a virtue, act as if you already have it and then it will be yours. Change comes through action. Act first, then become. via How to Feel Like a Man | The Art of Manliness. […]
Action Happening
Work, Life it happens. Time does not stop (at least that I know of). So, action must happen as well. I have been working out inconsistently. I have been eating too much food. I have been eating the wrong kinds of food. What happens with this type of action? Weight Increases. Endurance and Stamina decreases. […]

2011 was good. It was supposed to be my year of the product. It didn’t work out like that. 2011 was more the year of the thinker for me. 2012 is awesome! 2012 is the year of the doer! Start Singing. January double dog dare: My mission should I accept it is to add something […]
Recipe for Recovery

In my last post, I described my setback. How I’ve been lacking discipline and allowing bad habits to creep back in my life. I also described how I hurt my groin. In this post, I’ll write my Recipe for Recovery and how I am recovering from my groin injury. Rest and Relaxation Well, For the first few […]

Beware: Bad habits come out in droves! Over the past few months I have: Failed to stretch regularly (I used to do it 6 times a week.) Deliberately not counted calories nor watched what I ate. Increased my expenses while decreasing my income and increase my work. Increased my TV viewing habits. Increased my Internet […]
Why Are You Destroying Yourself?

For the first time in 6 weeks, I set my alarm to wake up this morning. I’ve been fortunate enough that kids, wife, or nature will wake me up in time to be productive for the day. However, I noticed that my son is arriving to school a little later each day. I don’t like […]
Get Back At It

It took me a long time to learn the lesson. Too Long if you ask me. From grammar school to high school, I was an excellent student. I almost always did my homework. I rarely missed a day. I wasn’t perfect, but I tried my best. I was very close to perfect. I had no […]