
2011 in early review

2011 in review. I know the year has not ended, but I’m in the 2012 planning mode. I decided to start!

At the beginning of the year, I had goals. My goal was complete a Triathlon (done) and to lose weight (done) and keep it off (oops, I screwed up the last one).

This year, my weight graph looks like a smiley face. In any other context, I’d say a smiley face would be happy. In my 2011 weight chart, I began the year and ended the year at the same weight. In the middle of the year, I lost weight. I guess that’s better than average. The average person generally gains about 1 to 2 lbs a year. As of the end of August 2011, I was on track to lose 12 lbs of excess weight. I’ve gained it all back.

How? I stopped exercising. I started to eat candy like it was going out of style, and I’ve been working tons and vacationing a little. Add all that up, and its easy to see my weight creep back up. I’m still in decent shape, but I can feel my tummy expanding.

Traditionally, we start resolutions on New year’s Day, but Its not New Year’s yet, and I don’t care. I started today! Today, I did what I know must be done. Food In = Food Out!

I tracked the food that I ate and entered it into a journal. I then realized that I ate too much food for my body, and I willed my way to an hour of exercise today to balance my caloric intake. Its one day. Habits are formed with consistent action, but Habits must start one day at a time. Its time for you to start! (notice not only did I start exercising. I also posted a blog. There’s more things starting at once.)

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