
Skipped Thursday

I’m writing this on Friday evening. I skipped a day writing on Simplweight. I did not skip the swim. However, I am doubling up the writing today. This happens when we are building a habit. Sometimes, we have to just power through and do it. Other times, I have to catch up. If I go […]


See The Future & Find Your WHY

Today’s been a busy day. I meant to get this posted earlier. Better now than never. The Best Time To Plant a Tree Was 30 Years Ago, and the Second Best Time To Plant a Tree Is Now. Anonymous One thing that helped me with my personal weight loss and fitness journey was finding a […]



Somedays I don’t feel like swimming. I go anyways. Some days, I get to the pool, and I’m just slow or the water feels cold. I swim anyway. What I have found is that consistency is the key ingredient to fitness. I can not let anything stop me from getting my swim in. I remember […]


2024-03-01 Swim Workout 4300 yards

So, today marks 5 days straight of blogging my swim workouts.  Thanks for being patient with me as I get back into fitness blogging.  I plan to eventually expand beyond my swim workouts, but this gives me a way to build the writing habit.  Start tiny with your habits and celebrate those tiny wins! Today’s […]


2024-02-28 Swim Workout

Hi All, I’m Scott.  Co-founder of SimpleWeight.  When I embarked on the SimpleWeight creation with my brother, I had a  few goals. Lose weight. Become more physically fit Learn new skills in technology, business, and marketing skills. I definitely accomplished 2 & 3.  It took a long time to accomplish 1, and I’m still not […]

Exercise Swim

2024-02-27 Swim Workout

Dryland Pre-swim Drills Warmup with a 60 seconds of jogging in place. 4 sets of the following: Shoulder Press with weights 12 reps Abs:  Lower leg pulls 12 reps Followed by Ab Workout: Upper Abs:  15 crunches Lower Abs: Leg ups Side Abs: 60 second Side-plank for each side. Side arm pulls Back:  15 Reverse […]