
Salad vs. Burger, What Should you pick?

I am amazed how much calories can be added to salads. The Consumerist wrote about the myth of salads. The salads didn’t seem to be a whole lot healthier than some of the regular sized sandwiches. Who knew that eating a full portion of, say, the BK Tendercrisp salad would result in consuming 210 more […]

Development Simpleweight

Simpleweight update released

We’re pleased to announce a bug release. We’ve added a few new features as well. For example, we simplified the Simpleweight Try It page. We added Resting Metabolic Heart-rate to our Daily Summary and Food in = Food Out equations. A whole bunch of small minor bug fixes. Thanks for using Simpleweight, and let us […]


New Release coming soon.

Ryan and I are putting the finishing touches on a new simpleweight release. We hope to release it very soon (no later than the end of May). The release contains both bug fixes and a few new features. We’ve added some more quick help content. Adjusted some of our pages to be more consistent. The […]


Time to start blogging

Welcome back blog. What’s a web application these days without a web blog? We’ve had our blog on the list of to do items for a while. As you can tell from our archive, we actually posted some articles. However, we decided to delay blogging simpleweight until we released a stable application. Well, simpleweight is […]


Simpleweight coming soon.

Our goal is to launch Simpleweight this Summer 2007. We have much of our internal application running smoothly. We’re now adding the finishing touches on the public content and our administrative pages. We can’t wait to show it off. It’s been a long fun project that we hope does not end until everyone simpleweights, because […]


Weigh yourself every day to prevent weight gain.

According to the December 2005 issue of the Annals of Behavioral Medicine, “Higher weighing frequency was associated with greater 24-month weight loss or less weight gain.” For more information see: Health Behavior News Service Research presented at a 2005 medical conference on obesity indicates that daily weigh-ins can help prevent lost weight from returning, which […]


Four Tips of Weighing yourself Daily.

Jennifer Warner from writes a nice article about how to and when to weigh yourself. Jennifer quotes Dawn Jackson Blatner, RD, a spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association with these great tips for weighing yourself: The 4 S’s of Weighing Yourself When you do weigh yourself on a scale, Blatner says you strive for […]


Another Reason to use Simple weight.

According to a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine Oct 12, 2006,  “…a self-regulation program based on daily weighing improved maintenance of weight loss…” This study concludes exactly what we believe:  A person needs to monitor trends in your weight and BMI in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Simpleweight helps monitor […]


More Internal releases.

We have been hard at work building our internal releases for Simple weight. We are getting closer to feature complete. What is left to do? We have some reports to build for our weight management site to convey a user’s progress and give them simple information on their weight management goals. Then, we have a […]


Internal Beta Launched.

Yes.  Simpleweight is closer to launch.  We’ve launched the site internally for our own use to squash bugs.  Soon, we’ll be accepting our first users.  No timeline available yet.