
How do you share your fitness log with your mentor?

We released the “health club” edition of Simpleweight this past Friday. Someone asked me, what’s the big deal?  Why is this feature useful? So, here’s the point: When you share your weight loss and make it public you hold yourself more accountable. For many people, its easy to let yourself down, but they wouldn’t dare […]


3 funny motivational reasons to Lose Weight

Ways to stay motivated during weight loss. On rainy days, like today in Chicago-land area, motivation can be fleeting. It seems to be common around the internet.  I’ve seen two or three posts today on how to fight doldrums, stay motivated, and be productive. I ran across this rather funny take on motivation titled:  Decrease […]


Think and Lose Weight

Think and Lose weight? What a load of dirty socks, you say. Is this some weight loss take on the psychic book The Secret? Well, a recent NPR Article, Hotel Maids Challenge the Placebo Effect, describes the weight loss effects of Hotel Maids. If you are not familiar with the placebo effect, the placebo effect […]

Motivation Simpleweight

Pay it forward – Simple Weight Loss style!

Leo Babauta from is sponsoring a pay it forward web event, and I am giving away free 12 month simpleweight subscriptions. To learn how to receive your subscription, keep reading. What is a pay it forward web event? The purpose of the event is to bring people closer and restore kindness To quote Leo […]

Diet Motivation Simpleweight

Dalai Lama's 7 steps to positive and healthy lifestyle change

Use these 7 steps to make positive changes towards a healthy diet, exercise, and weight. Learning Conviction Determination Action Effort Create Habits Eliminate negativity

Motivation News

Organizing Behaviors make for Successful Weight Loss.

Wow. What a powerful study. A article titled: Weight loss is all in your head details that Inga Treitler, Ph.D studied the behavior of 10 people from the National Weight Control Registry. The people with the greatest weight loss success are: …controlled, methodical, disciplined sticklers for structure and routine. Punctual and neat, they always […]


What will it take to manage your weight, diet, and fitness?

Just do it.

Motivation Site of the Week

SW's Site of the week: Losing Weight Zone.

With SW’s Site of the week: We’ll describe a relevant website or blog that caught our eye. This week, I ran into Losing Weight Zone. I don’t read People magazine, watch The View, Barbara Walters, or much TV at all really. I know that many people do, and I realize that we all have our […]


Weight Management Checklist

Ian McKenzie wrote a great self management checklist that we can apply to Weight management. Ian Writes: Some people look at self-management techniques as cumbersome, getting in the way of productivity. The truth is, if you look at successful and productive people, you’ll find some type of system guiding them. Give it a try. 1 […]