Have you noticed fun things generally have a countdown. Think: There’s something about the anticipation, the fun, the excitement, and the finality of a countdown. For me, exercising, counting down became a multiplier. When I am swimming laps, I tried to count up, but I’d always lose track or become bored. Now, I count down. […]
Back At it
Friday, I woke up really early. Most of the time, I can go back to sleep. Sometimes, I can not. Today was a not day. Instead, I turned a negative into a positive. I took advantage of the earlier time and worked out earlier. My rationale is that the time is springing forward an hour […]
Skipped Thursday
I’m writing this on Friday evening. I skipped a day writing on Simplweight. I did not skip the swim. However, I am doubling up the writing today. This happens when we are building a habit. Sometimes, we have to just power through and do it. Other times, I have to catch up. If I go […]
No mood to write today, but I’m trying to build my consistency. So, I’m brute forcing it. Not all posts are awesome. Sometimes, we just need to keep the streak alive. (probably sounds familiar). By now, you will start to see some repetition. My dryland exercises are targeting the same muscle groups as last Wednesday. […]
See The Future & Find Your WHY
Today’s been a busy day. I meant to get this posted earlier. Better now than never. The Best Time To Plant a Tree Was 30 Years Ago, and the Second Best Time To Plant a Tree Is Now. Anonymous One thing that helped me with my personal weight loss and fitness journey was finding a […]
Somedays I don’t feel like swimming. I go anyways. Some days, I get to the pool, and I’m just slow or the water feels cold. I swim anyway. What I have found is that consistency is the key ingredient to fitness. I can not let anything stop me from getting my swim in. I remember […]
Wekend Keeping the Streaks
What? No swimming on weekends? No, I take Saturday and Sunday off from swimming. My body, specifically my shoulders and elbows need time to recover. So, the weekend I take a break from swimming. Generally speaking, I take off holidays and vacations too. Rest and recovery are just as important as fitness. However, for me, […]
2024-03-01 Swim Workout 4300 yards
So, today marks 5 days straight of blogging my swim workouts. Thanks for being patient with me as I get back into fitness blogging. I plan to eventually expand beyond my swim workouts, but this gives me a way to build the writing habit. Start tiny with your habits and celebrate those tiny wins! Today’s […]
2024-02-29 Leap day Swim Workout
Happy Leap Day 2024 Everyone. Today, I saw some people I have not seen in six months. They raved about how I looked and asked how I lost weight. Those conversations and praise are public reminders and positive reinforcements that I’m on the right track. Relish those small-wins. Those moments will help balance out the […]
2024-02-28 Swim Workout

Hi All, I’m Scott. Co-founder of SimpleWeight. When I embarked on the SimpleWeight creation with my brother, I had a few goals. Lose weight. Become more physically fit Learn new skills in technology, business, and marketing skills. I definitely accomplished 2 & 3. It took a long time to accomplish 1, and I’m still not […]