I read this article with Chrissie Wellington, four-time Ironman Champion at CNN about training your mind. Ironman champ: Train your brain, then your body – CNN.com. The ideas ring true not just for triathlons, but for fitness, projects, and other things. Here’s some quotes I grabbed from the article: If we let our head drop, […]
Forerunner 910XT
Forerunner® 910XT via Forerunner 910XT –. This looks like something fun to have. I love my swimovate watch, but having a device that works in open-water with an altimeter to accurately track elevation looks super fun.

2011 was good. It was supposed to be my year of the product. It didn’t work out like that. 2011 was more the year of the thinker for me. 2012 is awesome! 2012 is the year of the doer! Start Singing. January double dog dare: My mission should I accept it is to add something […]
2011 in early review
2011 in review. I know the year has not ended, but I’m in the 2012 planning mode. I decided to start! At the beginning of the year, I had goals. My goal was complete a Triathlon (done) and to lose weight (done) and keep it off (oops, I screwed up the last one). This year, […]

Dateline: Sunday, Aug 28, 2011. Scott completed the Chicago International Distance Triathlon. Pre-Race: I had a great time with my family downtown. We walked a bit more than I’d like. We got down to the Hilton Hotel (the Chicago Tri sponsored hotel) right before lunch. We checked in, and then walked to Macy’s for lunch. […]
Talk about fitness or Do fitness

Ten days to go. Okay, it’s more like eleven, but who’s counting? I am that’s who. To go to what? My second Chicago Olympic distance triathlon, that’s what. So, where am I? I realized that blogging right now is a hobby. I like to do it. I think I am good at it, but there […]

I’m six weeks into my 2011 Triathlon Training plan. Despite my early injury set-backs, my training is going great. In fact, I’m lovin’ it! I am a book reader. I love books. My wife and I were at the local bookstore a while back, and I told her, “I love to be among the books.” […]
Drive, Dreams, and looking
It has been a while since I posted. I am searching. Searching for something that I am not sure what it is. I’m looking. Part of me thinks, a metamorphosis must take place. Another part of me thinks, the something I am searching may already be found, it just needs to be awaken. I’m still […]
Fitbloggin Google Analytics.
First: Thank you everyone for visiting and attending my talk. I hope you enjoyed. FitBloggin has been a great experience a second time around. Its great to chat and discuss topics with internet friends. If you are looking for my Fitness Google Analytics talk, I posted it at my technology related site: http://octavity.com/fit-analytics/ Have to […]
Recipe for Recovery

In my last post, I described my setback. How I’ve been lacking discipline and allowing bad habits to creep back in my life. I also described how I hurt my groin. In this post, I’ll write my Recipe for Recovery and how I am recovering from my groin injury. Rest and Relaxation Well, For the first few […]