Administration Business Development

Weight Loss incubator?

Sometimes baby chicks just need to incubate. As you can probably tell, my brother and I took most of the past five months off from serious Simpleweight development. We made sure to continue using simpleweight in some capacity or another. We prepared a blog post or two (some are still unpublished waiting for future dates). […]

Motivation Simpleweight

Pay it forward – Simple Weight Loss style!

Leo Babauta from is sponsoring a pay it forward web event, and I am giving away free 12 month simpleweight subscriptions. To learn how to receive your subscription, keep reading. What is a pay it forward web event? The purpose of the event is to bring people closer and restore kindness To quote Leo […]


Simpleweight outage planned

We’ve been notified by our service provider, that we’ll be experiencing an outage sometime between 0600 – 1000 GMT Nov 9. If my calculations are correct, that would mean sometime between 12:00 AM CST – 04:00 AM CST. If you’d like to read more, you can read about the outage at our VPS provider:  […]


3 Tips to help you start Eating Salads as a Meal.

The three tips for helping you Eat Salads as a meal are: Home-made Salad Dressing Add Protein Experiment When I go out to eat, I never just order a salad. I usually order a salad as an appetizer then eat my entire main course. You can guess that with today’s growing portion sizes, my waist […]

Diet Motivation Simpleweight

Dalai Lama's 7 steps to positive and healthy lifestyle change

Use these 7 steps to make positive changes towards a healthy diet, exercise, and weight. Learning Conviction Determination Action Effort Create Habits Eliminate negativity

Motivation News

Organizing Behaviors make for Successful Weight Loss.

Wow. What a powerful study. A article titled: Weight loss is all in your head details that Inga Treitler, Ph.D studied the behavior of 10 people from the National Weight Control Registry. The people with the greatest weight loss success are: …controlled, methodical, disciplined sticklers for structure and routine. Punctual and neat, they always […]


Pedometer Field Test by Money Magazine

Sorry, I have not blogged in a while.  I have come to the conclusion that blogging is more difficult than it looks.  It is difficult to write consistent good content when one has other daily tasks. Consequently, I plan on blogging when I have good content. I am not going to blog just to blog. […]

Diet Site of the Week

SW's Site of the week: The Faddist. Dieting by Self Experimentation

With SW’s Site of the week: We’ll describe a relevant website or blog that caught our eye. We’ve always said, you can use whatever Fad Diet you want and use Simpleweight to track it. As Ryan mentioned in a previous post, a Diet is what we eat. You may choose to eat healthy or unhealthy, […]


What will it take to manage your weight, diet, and fitness?

Just do it.

Diet Exercise Simpleweight

Patent Search Diet

Did you know you could use Google Patent Search to diet? That’s what I learned at I found an article Kyle wrote describing Unconventional Diet Tips, Lose 50 lbs in 3 months. First, the tips are worth mentioning: Buy a Digital Scale Weigh yourself everyday Drink 8 glasses of water everyday Make your Diet […]