Dryland Pre-swim Drills Warmup with a 60 seconds of jogging in place. 4 sets of the following: Shoulder Press with weights 12 reps Abs: Lower leg pulls 12 reps Followed by Ab Workout: Upper Abs: 15 crunches Lower Abs: Leg ups Side Abs: 60 second Side-plank for each side. Side arm pulls Back: 15 Reverse […]
2024-02-26 Monday’s Swim Workout
Pre-Warmup Stand up straight: Put arms out straight, Swing arms around in slow circles. Starting with a tiny diameter, increasing until larger diameter. Go forward for a bit, then go backward for a bit. At the same time, step side to side. Then after arm swings, Lift knees to chest. Warmup Goal: Swim moderately easy, […]
Where the Mind goes, the Body Follows
One thing I have learned is that the body follows the mind. If you take your mind into deep dark alleys of negativity, you will find that your body succumbs to the traps of food marketing easier. You will find that your willpower is depleted, exercise happens less often, and over-eating happens quite frequently. Ultimately, […]
Keep Going. Don’t stop! Create Inertia! Let’s talk how I have lost weight in the past multiple times. I did it by creating inertia. I used the power of habits, and I realized that exercise is a keystone habit. Naw, I stumbled on it. I didn’t know exercise was the keystone of anything much less […]
As a trained scientist, I learned that theories and hypothesis are not absolute. We find this element in our daily lives, our conversations, and even our politics. Einstein explained this by saying its all relative. Here’s a quick example: If I’m in a car going 100 km per hour, from my front seat, the water […]
Return to Roots

I keep a lot of information in my head. Rarely, yet it happens, I forget basic items like, where did I put my wallet. When I do forget where I put my wallet or keys, I try to remember the last time I saw them. I re-trace my steps. I keep walking backwards until I […]
What I would have written
Wow, this resonates with me for a multiple of reasons. I’m on the road back to writing (I hope). In the meantime, enjoy this quote: I’ve been thinking about this damn essay for about a year, but I haven’t written it because Twitter is so much easier than writing, and I have been enormously tempted […]
Matt Swanson – Move your feet
Wanna know the secret to improving your running? Move your feet. via Matt Swanson – Move your feet.
Change Comes Through Action!
Virtues don’t come through simply thinking about them. You have to “exercise them.” Aristotle’s promise is this: if you want a virtue, act as if you already have it and then it will be yours. Change comes through action. Act first, then become. via How to Feel Like a Man | The Art of Manliness. […]
Action Happening
Work, Life it happens. Time does not stop (at least that I know of). So, action must happen as well. I have been working out inconsistently. I have been eating too much food. I have been eating the wrong kinds of food. What happens with this type of action? Weight Increases. Endurance and Stamina decreases. […]